Privacy policy


Customer Information
One of the main concerns of TINTCOM Ltd. is the security of the personal data of the individuals - our clients and partners, taking the necessary measures to bring our activities in line with the best practices and legal requirements for protection of the information and its confidentiality.
This Policy aims to clarify why we collect and how we deal with the information and personal information you provide.

This policy applies to the collected personal data from the clients of TINTCOM Ltd., UIC: 202402081, seat and address of management - Plovdiv 4002, 5 Dnepar Street, phone: +359 32 58 29 94, (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "We") as the Data Privacy Administrator.
Please, before you become our customer and / or use our site, read this statement carefully as it provides information on how we process personal data and how we will use cookies. We will process the personal information you provide to us (whether through our site, your application for a client, our partner or otherwise) in the manner described in this Policy.
We comply to the following principles when processing your personal information:
1. Principle of legality, good faith and transparency - this means that we process your data only when there is a legal basis, in good faith and in a way that is transparent to you.

2. The purpose limitation principle - this means that we only collect your data for specific, legitimate purposes expressly set forth in this Policy, and do not process it further in a way incompatible with those purposes.

3. Data Minimization Principle - this means that we only collect such a volume of data that is reduced to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is being processed.

4. Principle of Accuracy - We take all reasonable and available measures to ensure the timely erasure or correction of inaccurate personal data, taking into account the purposes for which they are being processed.

5. Storage Restriction Principle - we store the data for a period no longer than the legal norms defined by the applicable legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union or for a period necessary for the purposes for which the data are processed.

6. Principle of loyalty and confidentiality - we provide an appropriate level of security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage by applying the appropriate and available to us technical or organizational measures taking into account the available technology.
For your convenience, we provide you intelligibly why we process your personal information:
1. Creating an account and providing full functionality in using the online store;
2. To be able to contact you to confirm or send your order;
3. To make contact on your (regarding) request.
4. Accounting objectives.
5. Statistical purposes.
Personal data we collect
  • TINTCOM Ltd., as a Data Administrator, most often collects from you:
  • Names
  • Shipping address
  • Phone number
  • email address
Who do we share your personal information with?
We will use all necessary measures to make sure that the information you provide is stored reliably and securely.

Public authorities - such as courts, prosecutors, national security authorities, regulators - committees and others;

Accountants, auditors, lawyers, IT specialists.
We will not sell your personal data or share it with any other company for its own use.

Transmitting data to another country
Without your consent TINTCOM Ltd. will not transfer your data to another EU or third country.

Personal data protection measures
TINTCOM Ltd. enforces numerous technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data: store data on servers provided with reliable modern security and security protocols; control of access to personal data by limiting the persons entitled to process the data; using passwords for access; restrictions on the use of mobile devices / laptops, telephones / for the processing and storage of personal data; applies security measures to the premises and locations in which personal data are stored; adopt internal acts on the protection of personal data; requires its partners, service providers and other individuals to whom it shares personal data to apply appropriate data protection measures.
TINTCOM Ltd. will store your personal data only for the purposes stated above and only for the minimum period required for them.
TINTCOM Ltd. does not process personal data for the purposes of direct marketing.
If you are no longer a customer, we will only store your data for the minimum amount of time it takes to protect our interests and rights, and in accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations.
You have the right to access the stored information for we keep on you.
Your right of access may be used in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act in Bulgaria and the applicable EU personal data legislation.
Please note that your right of access should not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
You have the right to ask us to correct inaccurate personal data relating to you. Given the purposes of the processing, you have the right to complete incomplete personal data, including by adding a statement.
You have the right to ask us to delete and / or delete your personal data if any of the following circumstances are present:
(a) Personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed:
(b) You withdraw your consent on which the processing of the data is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
c) You object to the processing and there are no legitimate grounds for processing that have an advantage.
We will execute your claim within a reasonable time and to the extent permitted by applicable legal regulations.
1. You have the right to request from us a restriction of processing when one of the following applies:
(a) The accuracy of personal data is being disputed by you for a period that allows the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
b) The processing is illegal, but you do not want the personal data to be deleted, but you require instead limiting their use;
c) We no longer need personal data for the purpose of processing, but you require them for the settlement, exercise or protection of legal claims;
(c) You have objected to the processing for the period of verification that the legal grounds we have identified have an advantage over your interests.
2. When processing is limited pursuant to paragraph 1 above, such data shall be processed, except for its storage, only with your consent or for the settlement, exercise or protection of legal claims or for the protection of the rights of another individual, or important grounds of public interest for the European Union or a Member State.

3. When you have requested a limitation of processing in accordance with paragraph 1 above, we will inform you before the revocation of the processing restriction.
If you believe that your data protection rights have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Commission.
All changes we make to our Policy in the future will be posted on our website in due course and will be effective as of the date of their publication.
If we make any material or significant changes to this Policy, we will make an effort to inform you via email, a message on the Site, or other negotiated means of communication.


This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are, how they are used on the Site, and how to regulate their use.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files that contain little information that is sent and stored on your computer, mobile device, or other method of accessing the site. Cookies are then sent back to the home site every time you visit it or another site that recognizes this cookie. Cookies are useful as they allow a site to recognize the client's computer.
You can find more information about cookies at
Use Cookies on the Site
Cookies are used on the site for various reasons. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Functionality - These cookies store information that allows you to remember preferences, such as language, odds, and settings. They are also used in the interest of users, such as preventing a message from being displayed twice.
Fraud Protection - These cookies store information that allows the termination of abuse when using the Site.
Tracking - These cookies allow you to store information on how the customer has come to our site. We need to know this in order to be able to settle our relationship with our Partners.
Analysis - these cookies allow for user recognition and counting, as well as tracking the model these users use to browse our Site. This helps us improve the site's work by, for example, making it easier for users to easily find what they are looking for, or to provide them with the ads and information they need while, at the same time, tracking the performance of these ads and information.
If there are links to third party sites on the Site, it is important to remember that these sites will have their own cookies and policies that will govern the information you provide. If you use a third-party site, please read their cookie policies before using these sites.
Manage Cookies
In order to control the cookies that are used on our website, you need to set up your browser. How to do this depends on the browser you are using and its settings: for Google Chrome click here, for Mozzila click here for Internet Explorer click here.
To learn more about cookies, we recommend visiting as well as,
Through the above-mentioned method, you can control and / or delete cookies whenever you want. You can delete all the cookies already stored on your computer, and you can also set most browsers to block them in the future.
However, if you do so, you may need to manually set up some parameters each time you visit a site, and some services and features may not work, including our website may not load.